Monday, May 11, 2009


Every geek needs his computing super-zone! The GeekSpace and it's variations GameSpace and HackerSpace are important parts of every computer junkies arsenal. I've compiled a list of necessities to make your GeekSpace the only space to do your computing, gaming, and/or hacking.

The Desk:
The desk has to be big enough for your computer, keyboard, mouse, and a cup of coffee.

The Computer:
It runs, it's fast, it's mean, and it can run Windows XP or Latest versions of Linux.

The Chair:
One of the most important parts of a GeekSpace that is commonly forgotten about. It's important to find something comfortable and adjustable.

The Sound:
Speakers are great, but when you are running short on room, it may be a good option to invest in a nice set of noise-cancelling headphones. I like the Sony MDR-V150. They cost about $30 at target.

A place to store your books, games, gadgets, and other forms of media.

While not necessary, fans are great when Geeking on a hot day. They also help keep the AC bill down.

Coffee Maker:
Good coffee is hard to skimp on. Get a good coffee maker and invest in some nice coffee. Perhaps even grind your own beans. This is your Geek fuel after all.

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